Burger Addict

/ˈbɜːgər ˈædɪkt/

A person having an unhealthy obsession with meat between two buns. People with this addition tend to be American, but there are many exception to this rule. 50 burgers and counting, my engorged friend and I are one of these exceptions; having been sampling the vast London burger scene, ranking each from the appalling to the triumphant.

With social media being as ubiqutous as it is, it often feels like sombody in the middle of the room is shouting "I LIKE BURGERS!" and a thousand people yelling back "I LIKE THAT!". We don't want to be another drowning voice in a sea of socialite dribble, so we setup this blog as our attempt to get our voices heard about one of our passions - burgers.

Note: The opionions expressed in this blog are entirely our own. We endevour to publish the menu price of each burger at the time of writing.

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